I’d like to start my words today by wishing a very Happy Veterans Day to all the veterans of our parish. We owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude and appreciate the sacrifices you made for our nation. I assure you of my prayers today and each and every day.
In our troubled world, I find that I appreciate our veterans more and more. Perhaps you do too. My experience with veterans over the years is that they tend to be level headed and ready to help at a moment’s notice. I see this in many of the veterans I know in our own parish. For this also I want to thank these fine men and women.
You may notice our ushers counting the crowds at the Mass this month. The reason is that our bishop asks that each parish conduct such a count at every Sunday (and Saturday evening) Mass during the month of November. The diocese uses this information for a number of reasons, such as deciding how many priests to assign a certain parish. It is also a measure of a parish’s vitality. (P.S. That being the case, this would be a good month to make sure we all get to Mass regularly!)
A special thank you is also due to all those who planned and participated in the Alumni Mass at our parish school last Sunday. More than 100 people gathered at the school for Mass, breakfast, and fellowship. Fr. Pat Boyle, OFM – our faithful weekend helper and himself an alum – celebrated the Mass and gave a very nice talk afterward. Msgr. Terry Lawler, our neighbor at St. Mary’s who is also an alum, concelebrated the Mass. I drove up to the school after saying the 9 AM Mass in our Church, just in time to hear a great talk by Diane Haviland – another great alum. The School Advisory Council deserves a great deal of thanks for a job well done!
As you probably have noticed, our organ has been returned to our choir loft. It will be back in service soon – if not this weekend! The work on the steeple is also coming along well. Everyone who supported our parish capital campaign – with donations, pledges, and prayers – is due a great big ‘thank you!’
Also – some people have found that some nails and things from the steeple work in the street near the Church. I brought this to the attention of the workmen, who will do their best to prevent it in the future. Just the same, I would be careful until that work is done!
Remember that we will celebrate our parish’s 160th anniversary at next Sunday’s 11 AM Mass. While the Mass will not be any longer than usual, some special guests will be with us. Even if you cannot come to for the breakfast afterward, please join us for the Holy Mass. It would be great to see our Church full to the brim that day.
It was nice to see a good crowd at the special Noon Mass on All Souls Day. Please know that we will be remembering the Holy Souls in Purgatory as Mass throughout the month of November – and keeping the All Souls envelopes near the Altar, too. I ask that everyone make a point of saying a prayer for those souls every day during this Month of All Souls.
Please also say a Hail Mary for me each day, too. Let’s also pray for those away from home in the service to our country, for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and for peace.
Have a great week!
Fr. John
P.S. If you did not get a ticket to the Anniversary Breakfast and would like to attend, please call the parish office by tomorrow – just in case some tickets become available!