I hope your Thanksgiving was as nice as mine! Fr. Wojciech and I watched most of the P’burg – Easton football game on TV together that morning. Then I headed over to my sister Natalie’s home in Hillsborough. Some relatives we don’t see too often, my Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Jack, were there along with some cousins from my father’s side of my family. It was great to spend the day with them. My mother was there – of course- and we ate a lot more then we should have!
Next weekend we will consecrate ourselves to our Lord through His Blessed Mother, under her title of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We have been preparing for this all year – and I am excited that it is finally here. Our Bishop will consecrate the whole diocese the evening of December 12th, the actual Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. He has asked all our parishes to do the same at all our Masses next weekend, which I am happy to do.
The consecration will not take long – just a prayer we will say together after the Intercessions at Mass. It would be a good idea to prepare for it this week in a couple of ways. First, spend some time asking our Lord to prepare your heart for the consecration. Ask Him to give you a deep love for both Him and His Blessed Mother – through whom He sends so many graces into our world. Finally, try to get to Confession – so that you make the consecration with your soul cleansed from sin.
Speaking of Confession, we should all be sure to make a good Confession this Advent. Pamphlets entitled How to Make A Good Confession have been placed around the Church. They contain an excellent Examination of Conscience. You will also find an insert in this bulleting on Examination of Conscience.
Remember that we will have our Parish Penance Service on Monday, December 16th, at 7pm. We will open with a very brief service designed to help people examine their consciences and prepare for Confession. As in past years, about 10 priests will be on hand to facilitate the hearing of Confessions. If you haven’t been to Confession in a while, this Penance Service would be a good time to go. For the rest of the Advent season, we will have at least two priest hearing Confessional at those scheduled times. Let’s all be sure to take advantage of these opportunities to be freed from sin and filled with God’s grace as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth this Christmas.
I’m sure that many of you notice that today (Sunday), December 8th, is ordinarily the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Since it falls on a Sunday of Advent, the Church automatically transfers that celebration to the following day – and dispenses us from the obligation to attend Mass. Those who go to Daily Mass on Monday, December 9th, will notice that the Masses that day will be those of the Immaculate Conception.
Thanks to each and every person who took a tag from the Giving Tree. Please be sure to bring the gifts to Church no later than next Sunday. This will ensure proper distribution of all the gifts. As always, I am inspired by the charity of the good people of this parish!
Please say a prayer for me today – at least one Hail Mary. Be assured of my prayers for you. Let’s also pray for all those in need and for peace.
Have a great week!
Fr. John