This weekend we welcome Fr. Caesar Santa Cruz to our parish. He is here to make the annual Mission Co–op Appeal. I know we will make him welcome.
As most of you know, the Mission Co–op Appeal happens every year in all the parishes in the United States. Missionaries, like Fr. Santa Cruz, visit and speak at all the Masses about the missions. A second collection is taken for the support of that mission.
Our parish has a long history of strong support for the missions. Several men and women from our parish have served as priests and sisters in the missions over the years. Moreover, the good people of our parish have been generous to the Mission Co–op Appeal and Mission Sunday collections over the years. Add to that all the prayers so many of you offer for the missions and it makes a great tradition of support for the mission in our parish.
If you forgot to bring an offering for the second collection, and wish to make one, please send it to the parish this week. You can place it in an envelope marked Mission Co–op and we will add it to the collection. (Checks should be made out to St. Philip and St. James, with Mission Co–op on the memo line or envelope.) All of the offerings will be forwarded to the mission office shortly thereafter.
Thanks in advance for your generosity to the missions!
It’s hard to believe that we are more than half–way through July! I always thought the summer went fast when I was a kid, but it seems to go even faster now. With that in mind, please make sure any children in your family who attend public school are registered for CCD (Religious Education) classes. We want to make sure that all the children in our parish are learning about Jesus and the Faith He gave us. You can register for CCD by calling the parish office (908–454–0112) or going on the parish website (
This is also a good time to think of people who may be interested in this year’s RCIA. In our parish, the RCIA process is designed for all kinds of people:
Adults who were never baptized and wish to be
Adults who were baptized in a non–Catholic Church and now wish to become Catholic
Adults who were baptized Catholic, but never made their First Holy Communion or Confirmation and now wish to do so.
Adults who want to learn more about the Catholic Faith.
I would ask anyone interested in RCIA, or has questions about it, to please give me a call (908–454–0112 ext. 407). It would be my pleasure to speak with you about this wonderful process, and to help you decide if it is for you.
Finally, college students, and parents of college students, may want to look into the Newman Ministry Connection. More information can be found elsewhere in this bulletin. In short, the Newman connection is a way to connect college students with the Catholic Campus ministry at their college.
Such ministries are often named after St. John Henry Newman, a convert to Catholicism who did a great deal of work with intellectuals and students. Most colleges have such ministries, college chaplaincies, for their Catholic students. Such ministries provide everything from a place to attend Mass (often right on campus) to social and service activities. They are a great way to stay connected with the Faith while at college.
In the meantime, please pray for me, at least one Hail Mary a day! Please also pray for our missionaries, and for Fr. Santa Cruz. Finally, let’s all keep praying for peace.
Have a great week!
Fr. John