Next weekend we observe World Mission Sunday. It is a day to pray and support the work of missionaries around the world. Since our Lord first commanded His disciples to ‘teach all nations’, the Church has endeavored to do just that.
Among other things, there is a special collection on World Mission Sunday. Unlike the Mission Co–op Appeal which was held a few months ago to help support a specific mission, the collection on World Mission Sunday is used to support the missionary work of the universal Church. You may use the Mission Sunday envelope in your packet, or simply put your offering in an envelope marked “missions.”
In addition to your offering, please make a point of praying for missionaries around the world. Every missionary I have ever met has asked me to pray for them, and to ask my parish to do the same. These dedicated people who bring the Gospel around the globe know well how much they are helped by our prayers.
Mission Sunday is a good time to consider the great extent of the Church’s missionary activity. You may be surprised to learn that there are more than 1,100 mission dioceses in the world! A mission diocese is a diocese where the Church is still getting established. They need to build Churches in places that do not yet have them, and teach the faith to new generations of Christians.
I probably don’t have to tell you that their work is often complicated by things like poverty or unfriendly governments that do not respect people’s right to religious freedom. Our prayers and offerings are an immense help to them, and join us to the great work of preaching the Gospel to all nations!
Remember that we will celebrate All Souls Day, Tue, Nov 2, in a few weeks. United with Catholics around the world, we will remember and pray for our departed brothers and sisters that day. While not a Holy Day of Obligation, All Souls Day is certainly a good day to get to Daily Mass if you can. Masses will be offered at 6:45am and 8:00am and 12:10pm and & 7:00pm on All Souls Day. I hope many of you will be there.
As usual, All Souls envelopes are in our packets. You may list on them the names of all the deceased loved ones you wish to have included in the All Souls Novena of Masses. Those envelopes will be placed near the Altar for the entire month of November, the Month of All Souls. I and the other priests will be sure to include the souls listed on them in our Masses and prayers throughout the month.
As Catholics, we believe that our prayers can help the souls in purgatory on their way to Heaven. If they are there already, and we pray, then are our good God can use those prayers for the souls who need them the most. I make time in my daily prayers to pray not only for all my deceased loved ones, but also for all of the deceased priests, deacons, religious sisters and brothers, and lay people of this parish. Please keep them in your prayers, too.
While you’re at it, please say a prayer for me. I am grateful that so many of you pray a Hail Mary for me each day. Let’s also remember to pray for all the sick, and for peace.
Have a great week!
Fr. John