Good News for Easter

04-08-2018From Fr. Antony's DeskFr. John J. Barbella

I hope your Easter was as nice as mine. Although I thought we were going to my mother's house on Easter, the plans got changed, and we were at my sister Natalie's home instead. We had more food than you can imagine, and plenty of family and friends. Some of my niece's friends from college joined us – since they live a distance and could not get to their family homes for Easter – and it was nice to have them. It all made for a great day.

As I announced at the Easter Vigil and the 11 AM Mass on Easter, our parish is happy that two of her sons – Matthew Marinelli and Joseph Illes – will be ordained deacons on May 19. They have been studying for the priesthood for several years and have reached this important point in the journey. God willing, they will spend about a year as deacons while continuing their studies – then be ordained priests.

On Saturday, May 19, Matthew Marinelli will function as a deacon for the first time at the 4:30 PM Mass. He will also preach the homily that day. On Sunday, May 20, Joseph Illes will function as a deacon at Mass for the first time, and likewise preach the homily. I will give you more information as the days get closer, but you can save the date right now. Please keep praying for both of them – and thank God for bringing them this far.

It was nice to see the Holy Week and Easter Liturgies so well attended. I am always inspired by seeing so many people at Church on those holiest days of the year. Thanks to everyone who came to Church and helped our parish celebrate the Resurrection on Easter!

Our parish was privileged to receive three people into full Communion with the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil Mass. One was baptized, another was a convert, and the other was a Catholic who had been baptized but never received the other sacraments. All three were Confirmed and received their First Holy Communion. Such New Life speaks well of the vibrancy of our parish.

All the Masses were well attended on Easter Sunday. The 11 AM was standing room only – which is nice to see. There is something very moving about offering Mass on Easter Sunday with a full Church – and I enjoyed it immensely.

Remember the Divine Mercy Devotions will be conducted in our Church this afternoon at 3:30 PM. I know that many of you will be there – as will visitors from other parishes. Please say a prayer for me - and be assured of my prayers for you.

  • A continued Happy Easter to all!
  • Fr. John