Dear Family!
As we continue to thank Mrs. Donna Kucinski for her service to our school and children, we thank her role in preparing the school budget for next year which is approved and presented to the diocese. From the administrative point of view it is vital that the school enrollment be strong (over 180 children) so that the parish finances could be managed better. I am reaching out to you to prayerfully consider enrolling your children in our school, as I mentioned last week in my article, “Our school has the best of facilities and staff and the best part is that our children learn with faith.”
I thank you for your generous contribution towards the Pastor’s Appeal. As promised we have approved proposals for doors and the projects are underway. I thank the Buildings and Grounds Committee for their hard work and counsel. We will be updating you regularly on the progress of all projects in the Church and School.
The Liturgical Committees met on Saturday for continuing formation in their roles as liturgical ministers. My sincere thanks to all the 52 who attended the talk and lunch. Gatherings such as these are a great boost for the growth of the parish. A special word of thanks to the youth ministry for their youth day gathering at Mercy Hall. I encourage all the youth of the parish to take advantage of this opportunity to join our youth ministry.
Last Tuesday there were nine priests listening to confessions at our Lenten Penance service. While we thank them for their ministry, you are strongly urged to visit the confessional during this season of Lent and receive the Sacramental graces from it. This Monday the Search Committee will be meeting to discuss about the search for a New Principal. And Wednesday we will be talking with all parents to discuss about the state of the school and promise them of transparency for effective leadership. On Thursday ’72 Disciples’ will be meeting at Mercy Hall and would welcome new disciples to plan for the Eucharistic Renewal in our parish. I urge you to pray for all these committees and members for their readiness to serve the Church.
It is a usual phenomenon that whenever we are faced with communal struggles such as natural calamities or challenges like Coronavirus, we hear people say, ‘God is punishing us for our sinfulness’. Our Church and tradition which are based on Scripture always taught us that “Since God is the highest good, He would not allow any evil to exist in His works, unless His omnipotence and goodness were such as to bring good even out of evil. This is part of the infinite goodness of God, that He should allow evil to exist, and out of it produce good.” (St. Augustine, St. Thomas) That is the revelation we receive in our Sunday Gospel this week. The man born blind was considered born totally in sin.
As David is anointed king of Israel in the first reading, we remember our own baptism and in the words of Saint Peter, “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may announce the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1Peter 2:9). The name ‘David’ means ‘Beloved’. We are the beloved of God.
Fr. Antony