Dear Family!
We are witnesses! This is the theme we reflect and pray about this third Sunday of Easter. Every age has seen its own witnessing spirit of Christians after the Resurrection of Jesus. The word ‘Martyr’ in Greek means one who bears witness (to Christ). This was the standard in which the witnessing spirit was lived out in the early church. Witnessing spirit ranges from inflicting pain on oneself to extreme measures of penance in the early church. The middle ages saw the ascent of the spiritual journey, the dark night of the soul, radical Religious Life in poverty, chastity, and obedience. What is the nature of today’s witnessing?
Witnessing to Jesus and His message of love seem to be a lot more difficult for people who are already filled with struggles and anxieties of life. This is no different from the apostles confined to the upper room out of fear and death. How do we answer the question ‘What are we witnesses of today?’?
We are witnesses of Jesus’s resurrection. All our witnessing spirit and action emanate from the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrected Christ stood in the midst of the apostles to take away their fear and anxiety and filled them with strength and new life. Peter’s first Kerygma (Proclamation) that we heard today in the first reading is the result of Jesus’s living and loving encouragement and strength to all of us.
We are witnesses to repentance and the forgiveness of sins that were made available for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus continues to give us life. Our witnessing is seen in our care for one another just like the Apostles who cared for the sick, needy and the poor. Our road to Emmaus can be dull, discouraging, disorienting but Jesus makes our road to Emmaus enlightening, encouraging and mission oriented. We are witnesses!
The ministry of the ’72 Disciples’ in our parish is hosting monthly talks and the sharing of our faith. The 1st talk is scheduled for May 10th. Please see the flyer and help the parish to spread the word. I strongly urge you to be part of this important ministry and help our community to grow as Eucharistic People.
I also need your support in enrolling your children in our school. A healthy enrollment in our school will certainly put us in a better financial situation.
Please pray for our Search Committee to choose the right person to be the next principal of our school. Also, I request you to pray for the success of our Faith & Service Dinner on the 29th of April, and if you are able, please join us for the dinner and help our school.
Next two Saturdays, our children are receiving First Holy Communion. Please pray for our Children and their families that our Eucharistic Lord continues to bless and watch over them! Thank you for all that you are for the parish!
Fr. Antony