Can you believe that next Sunday is Palm Sunday? It's amazing how quickly time passes! Palms will be blessed and distributed at all Masses next weekend. I look forward to celebrating Palm Sunday and entering Holy Week with all of you.
I want to congratulate the Girl Scouts who received their religious medals last Sunday. These girls put in a great deal of time learning about our Catholic Faith and completing the requirements for these medals. They also learned about Our Lady of Fatima and earned a special patch for doing so. It's good to see so many girls making such an effort to grow in their Faith!
By now I'm sure that many of you have received reminders about your pledge to our Parish Capital Campaign. These were scheduled to begin this month. Reminders will be sent based upon the way you chose to make your pledge. For example, I chose to make my payments monthly – and will, therefore, receive a monthlyreminder.
Thanks to the great generosity of the people of our parish, our campaign has been spectacularly successful. We have met our goal of $1,400,000 in pledges. Payments have been coming in regularly, allowing us to move on some important projects. By the time you read this, our gym's new roof should be complete! Electrical work has been done in the rectory, and we are looking at proposals for the other projects. I'll give you a more complete accounting after Easter. Suffice it to say that our parish is indeed blessed to have so many generous people among hermembers!
Last Saturday evening I had the pleasure of visiting our Cub Scout Troop at their winter campsite. Arriving for dinner, I expected to have some hot dogs and toasted marshmallows. Imagine how surprised I was to find hot penne pasta and meatballs! All I can say is that Cub Scout camp has changed a lot since I was a kid! On a more serious note, I want to let everyone know that we are working to improve the parking situation in our Mercer Street lot. A number of vehicles have been parked there for some time, making spots for Sunday Mass goers a bit harder to come by. This should be resolved shortly, and I apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Please also say a Hail Mary for me today – and every day. Also, if you have not yet made your LentenConfession, please do so this Saturday.