This weekend we observe World Mission Sunday. It is a day to pray and support the work of missionaries around the world. Since our Lord first commanded His disciples to ‘teach all nations’, the Church has endeavored to do just that.
Among other things, there is a special collection on World Mission Sunday. Unlike the Mission Co-op Appeal which was held a few months ago to help support a specific mission, the collection on World Mission Sunday is used to support the missionary work of the universal Church. Many of you have no doubt already submitted the Mission Sunday envelope in your packet. If not, you may send it this week and we will add it to the overall offering. It is a wonderful way to support the priests and deacons, religious sisters and brothers, and dedicated lay persons working to spread the Gospel around the world.
In a few weeks, on Tuesday, November 2nd, we will celebrate All Souls Day. United with Catholics around the world, we will remember and pray for our departed brothers and sisters that day. While not a Holy Day of Obligation, All Souls Days is certainly a good day to get to Daily Mass if you can.
As usual, All Souls envelopes are in our packets. You may list on them the names of all the deceased loved ones you wish to have included in the All Souls Novena of Masses. Those envelopes will be placed near the Altar for the entire month of November, the Month of All Souls. I and the other priests will be sure to include the souls listed on them in our Masses and prayers throughout the month.
I received word that we can return to distributing Holy Communion at the regular time during Holy Mass provided we can maintain social distancing and the other necessary protocols to keep everyone safe. For this reason, Communion will be distributed at the head to the two side aisles (so there is only a single file line of people standing 6 feet behind those ahead of them). At the 4:30pm on Saturday and the 9 and 11am on Sunday we will also have Communion stations on the side aisles near the middle. People can come to Communion up the side aisles and return to their seats via the center aisle, taking care to respect everyone’s space!
We will continue to ask those who wish to receive Holy Communion on the tongue to come to the priest or deacon after everyone else has received. We also ask everyone to be patient and simply use prudential judgment. It is especially important that we not congregate in groups after Mass, unless you are able to social distance properly. Remember also that the volunteers will need to start sanitizing and cleaning the Church prior to the next Mass.
I want to say a special thank you to the small but very dedicated group who clean the Church after each Mass.
We simply could not have public Masses in our Church at this time without their efforts. They can certainly use a hand, if you are able to do so. Indeed, if you want to do something to help ensure the safe celebration of Mass at this time, this is a good way to do it!
We are also about to begin celebrating certain weekday evening Masses in Church again. The Serra Club Mass for vocations will be offered on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 6pm. You don’t have to be a Serran to attend, it’s just a regular daily Mass that is offered for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Also, a Spanish Daily Mass will be celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm. Again, anyone is welcome to attend these Daily Masses, for which no reservation is needed.
Speaking of calling ahead to reserve a spot for Sunday Mass, we will have to keep doing that for the time being. I appreciate the effort taken by so many of you to do so. Please remember to call the office by 12 Noon on Friday. That is also very helpful.
Finally, please pray a Hail Mary for me today and every day. Let’s also pray today for the Missions around the world, for our nation and for peace.
Have a great week!
Fr. John