Dear Family!
Reflection: Peter’s whole life is a symbol of the church in itself. Peter was to encounter Jesus with the persuasion of his brother Andrew. He was to make known the revelation which has been given from above, that Jesus was the Christ. He was to get himself in a difficult and opposing position with Jesus on account of being very earthly in heart and mind. He was given the commission to lead the group of the apostles and gets his name and the meaning of his life changed by Jesus. Peter was set to betray Jesus and was to weep and repent later on to be encouraged by Jesus to tend His sheep.
READ MOREDear Family!
Reflection: The theme of the 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time reveals to us the universal call to salvation. Jesus commissioned His Apostles to spread the Gospel “to the ends of the earth”. God’s plan was always to invite all people. In the first reading, through the voice of Isaiah we hear that the Jerusalem Temple “Shall be called a house of prayer for all people”. God will extend the gift of salvation to all nations (Isaiah 56:1- 12). Saint Paul also reiterates this universal call of God: Jews and Gentiles can have confidence in God’s call to salvation because the “gifts and call of God are irrevocable.”
READ MOREReflection: I thank all of you for all your love and support all through the year; it has been one year since my appointment as your pastor. I am grateful to God for His graciousness in leading me and guiding me so that I can serve you well! There will always be uncertainties in life as you probably felt at times in your lives. The personalities we meet in the readings are all and nothing but personalities who have faced uncertainties all their lives. Elijah’s uncertainty is all about his prophetic role. In the Gospel, the Apostles unwillingly agree to get into the boat as they were enjoying the privilege of Jesus’s friendship - they got special recognition from the people. For Jesus ‘special recognition’ is given to you when you are found worthy at the time of challenge, trial, tribulation.
READ MOREDear Family!
Reflection: Every pope has a Papal Motto that highlights the pope’s focus or his pastoral concern over the church. Pope Francis’ motto on his coat of arms, “miserando atque eligendo” is taken from a homily by Saint Bede, which could be translated as “having mercy, Jesus called him.” Pope Benedict XVI’s Papal Motto was “Cooperatores Veritatis” (Cooperators of the Truth taken from 3rd Letter of John, which has only one chapter, 8th verse). Pope John Paul II’s motto is “Totus Tuus” which means ‘Totally Yours’ or ‘I am all yours, and all I have is yours’ is inspired by the teaching of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort.
READ MOREDear Family!
Reflection: Saint Thomas Aquinas in Summa Theologica wrote, “There are many sciences dealing with different areas of reality, but only one wisdom. Structurally wisdom is itself a science, drawing conclusions from premises; but what is peculiar to wisdom is its power to judge about everything including its own premises. So, it is a more perfect virtue than science.” In our Abrahamic Family of religions, ‘Shalom’ (Solomon) or ‘Peace’ is always associated with Wisdom. We are blessed to be showered with God’s wisdom that longs for true peace.
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Reflection: The ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Testaments have different views on the ‘Reign of God.’ The Old Testament concept of a ‘reign of God’ that was imminent, terrestrial, political and centered on ‘Israel’ and in ‘Jerusalem,’ but the New Testament as a whole brings about the radical change, where the idea of a heavenly, eternal kingdom makes its appearance. (Pontifical Biblical Commission document).
READ MOREDear Family!
Reflection:Speaking of Life and the fullness of life, it is the mind of the Church and expressed in all the documents that teach about the Word of God that the Church is nourished by the Word of God. Pope Benedict in Verbum Domini taught us that the Church is built upon the word of God; she is born from and lives by that word. This word that goes forth from God’s mouth is presented in our first reading as the rain and snow to water to the earth for life and growth.
READ MOREDear Family!
Reflection: The Catechism of the Catholic Church presents us Christ’s whole life is as a mystery (CCC 414-521). In CCC 517 we read, “Christ’s whole life is a mystery of redemption. Redemption comes to us above all through the blood of his cross, but this mystery is at work throughout Christ's entire life:
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Happy Independence Day to all of you!
Reflection: As the readings remind us of total acceptance of God in our hearts, our witnessing to God’s love and mercy is indispensable to our redemption. The Church exists to evangelize. Through the evangelizing efforts we bring joy, peace and life to people who long to have an encounter with God. The Shunemite woman in the first reading is promised what she ardently longed for in her life - the gift of a child. The Church that is open to being evangelized, is ever ready to tirelessly evangelize the world. This level of maturity happens in us only when Jesus is our number one priority in life.
READ MOREDear Family!
Every year we observe Religious Freedom Week. This year we observe it from June 22nd to 29th. It begins with the feast day of Saint Thomas More and Saint John Fisher (Both on the 22nd of June) and we also celebrate the Nativity of St. John the Baptist on the 24th of June (the only other birthdays we celebrate in the Catholic Church are the birth of our Lord and our Blessed Mother) and end with the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. If we look at all these personalities it is obvious why we are observing Religious Freedom Week.
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Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers, grandfathers, Godfathers, and priests! I thank all of you for your support and prayers to Deacon Enock on his 25th anniversary of his Diaconate. We had a special thanksgiving mass for him last week at 11am and I thank all the volunteers in preparing for his reception. We were glad for Deacon Enock’s family for their participation and thanking God for Deacon Enock’s continued service and ministry to our parish.
READ MOREDear Family!
A wise priest once said, “when man stands before the throne of God... all joy is restored, then there is nothing else for him to offer but to give thanks. Hence, the Eucharist or “thanksgiving” is the state of the perfect man. The Eucharist is the life of Paradise.”
Eucharist the only thing that draws us all to the church - it is rightly called the Source and Summit. 2nd Vatican taught us that Christ is revealed in the Eucharist. It is the power of the other that helps us to build the church in the Name of Jesus. We are never to imagine Christ acting as an isolated individual; the church is always associated with him, ‘clustered around him.’ We see the close bond between the Church and the Eucharist.
Pope Benedict taught that the Church is the celebration of the Eucharist; the Eucharist is the Church; they do not simply stand side by side; they are one and the same; it is from there that everything else radiates.
READ MOREDear Family!
Happy Trinity Sunday to all of you! The Doctrine of Trinity is called a ‘mystery’ because this truth can never been known by reason alone. Only God can reveal the truth to us (CCC 261). The Doctrine of Trinity is not unique to Christianity: it transcends all religion and is a key ingredient of universal life and culture (Diarmuid Murchu). The Trimoorthy of Hinduism, the Buddhist doctrine of the three bodies, the Zoroastrian triplicate of Zurvan, the Egyptian cult of Isis, Seraphis and the divine child Horus and some thirty thousand years of traditional Trinitarian worship in the prehistoric times all point to the same One God seen in three persons.